Saturday, 21 August 2010

Day 22 - the last whole day

Today was our last whole Day in Buxton so we decided to stay in Buxton for the day. We started by going into town and having a look in the lovely little toy shop. Mummy and Daddy said that they would buy me a toy for being such a good boy during the holiday. There were so many great toys to choose from that it took me ages to decide which one I wanted, but I finally settled on a wooden 'construction truck' set that had various pieces that could be slotted onto a base to make 3 (or more than 3 if you have an imagination like mine!) different construction vehicles. After that we had an ice-cream in the gardens before going for a little walk by peak cavern which was was fun but tiring.

After my nap we went back into Buxton in time to go to the awards ceremony which was broadcast live on the radio. Savoynet and Peak did quite well with a few nominations and awards. On the wholewe agreed with some of the awards that companies got and thought they were all deservedly got even when they were not given to the companies/performers that we personally thought they should go to - at the end of the day it's mostly a matter of one person's (the adjudicator David Turner's) opinion anyway! After the awards Mummy, Daddy and I went out for dinner before heading to the festval club for one last time. The entertainment tonight was another pot-luck Trial which was great fun - even if I did sleep through most of it!

Day 21 - Alton Towers

Yep Today Mummy, Daddy and I went to Alton Towers for the day. Mummy and Daddy had origionally planned to go on their own one day while I was with my grandparents, but as they didn't get a chance to do that they took me along too and I (and them I think) was glad they did! :) We started off by going to get a 'parent queue share' pass so that Mummy and Daddy could go on the rollercoasters without all three of us having to queue up. Next we went on a few rides in 'Storybook land' - The squirrel nutty ride, doodle doo derby, and old MacDonalds singing barn. Mummy then spotted that one of the 'kiddie coasters' called 'the beastie' didn't have any height restrictions (other than under a certain height must be accompanied) so I WENT ON MY VERY FIRST 'PROPER' ROLLERCOASTER!!! I wasn't sure what to make of it at first as it was very fast and bumpy but I think I liked it.........yeah I really think I must have liked it as I kept saying "Wheee!" every time we went over the hills and bumps. :) Mummy and Daddy then decided that they would like to have a go on the new ride th13teen so we took the skyride cable cars to get to the right area of the park - YEY! When we got there Daddy took the pass and queued up to go on the ride while Mummy and I went on the carousel and spent some time playing in Wobble world which was like a bouncy castle / soft play area. We then went on the 2p machines in the arcade near the rides and won quite a few keyrings before Daddy came to meet us after his ride and Mummy took the pass and went on it herself. To save boredom I will now just list all the rest of the rides we went on instead of doing a propper account: We all went on/saw Furry friends, Old MacDonald's tractor ride, had a walk through the haunted hollow and saw the aquarium and Mummy and Daddy also went on Hex and Air.

This evening Mummy and Grandma and Grandad went to the opera house to see Opera Della Luna's HMS Pinafore while I stayed at Grandma and Grandad's cottage with Daddy. Mummy had seen the show loads and loads of times before but still thoroughly enjoyed it and liked some of the busisiness that had been added in / changed since last time she saw it!
After the show Grandma and Grandad came back to their cottage to look after me over night while Mummy and Daddy went to the festival club for the pot-luck Patience. Mummy wasn't going to do any roles in the pot-luck as she had only just got her voice back after the bad throat and cough she has had for the past few days, but when she heard that they still needed an Ella she decided that she would do it as she only had a couple of solo bits to sing. She said that it was a really fun pot-luck tho and she enjoyed it the most out of all the pot-lucks this festival.

Day 20 - Otters

Today we spent the morning seeing some Owls and otters at the owl and otter sanctuary. I really liked the otters as they were really cute and funny to watch as they ran round their enclosures and swam in the water, they also made funny squeeking noises which I was tempted to try and copy! We also saw some owls in their enclosures but I was not so interested in them at first as they didn't do much and they were hard to spot as they were mostly hiding high up at the back. However, later on in the morning we spotted a lady walking round holding a barn owl - I was fascinated by it, it was so beautiful and kept looking round and round at everybody. I was not allowed to touch it, but the lady did bring it a bit lower and closer to me so I could have a good look. On the way out of the 'animal trail' on our way to the cafe for lunch we also saw some deer on the sides of the grass. We didn't get too close to them, but I was still amazed at how close they did let us get - they were beautiful and one of them further back had really big antlers which were really impressive! In the cafe we saw a video of the giant otters and their new cubs - the section with the giant otters in was closed to the public as they don't like having humans around much when they have young, so it was really nice to be able to see the video/camera link.

In the afternoon I spent some time in the Pavilion gardens with Grandma and Grandad while Mummy and Daddy went to hear their friend Ian Belsey sing a concert. (I would have loved to have gone too, but I was in quite a hyper mood and so would have been very restless.) They said that the concert was really good and fun, (even if Ian didn't have any friends! ha ha! ;) ) and Mummy especially liked the fact that he did the 'Silly little Saussages' song that we liked last year - TWICE! :D They also liked a funny song that he did about a donkey and the Flanders and Swann transport songs.

Tonights show was Pirates by 'New Lyric, Belfast', which Daddy went to see with Grandma and Grandad while I stayed at the cottage with Mummy. Daddy thought it rather pretentious to play the National Anthem before the show, even though (as far as he could see) the Queen wasn't present in the audience. The clattering of seats as people sat back down nearly drowned out the start of the overture, but that paled into insignificance compared with the antics on stage which managed at times to make it completely inaudible. Apart from this, the show was lively and enthusiastically done, though it had a few too many interjections inserted into it, and didn't quite hang together as well as it initially appeared it was going to. Still worth having seen though, overall.

Day 19 - A morning with some animals

And no, I don't mean my parents! (Though of course they were there too!)

This morning Mummy, Daddy and I went to Matlock Farm Park. I loved seeing all the animals, especially feeding the sheep and goats. I thought it was so funny when they stuck out their toungues to get at the food pellets that I had in my hand, I had fits of the giggles and couldn't stop smiling - Even Mummy seemed to enjoy watching me feed them more than feeding them herself! At one point while I was feeding the sheep a wasp came up and stung me on the side of the nose when I tried to swat it away. It really hurt and I was a bit scared for a little while, but I was a very brave boy and soon calmed down, especially when Mummy and Daddy took me over to the play area. The play area was great with good slides (even if they were a bit high off the ground at the end,) a sand pit,a bouncy castle, a massive wendy house, a see-saw, swings and an old tractor that I could climb on. There were also some pedal carts and tricycles in another bit of the farm which I spent ages playing on, giving Mummy and Daddy achy backs from having to push me around! As well as the Goats and Sheep that I mentioned earlier, there were also pigs, chickens, ducks, donkeys, horses, cows, peacocks, alpacas, ferrets, chincillas, Rabbits and Guinea-pigs. I was really lucky as Mummy went to get one of the ladys who works at the farm and she got one of the guinnea-pigs out for me to cuddle which was brilliant!

After the farm park we went back to the cottage for a bit and then went for another little walk around Buxton. We met Grandma and Grandad in the Pavilion gardens and they took me for a little while and we had a play while Mummy and Daddy went for a quick look around Scriveners bookshop which is a second hand bookshop that they really like.

Tonights show was The festival production of The Sorceror which Mummy went to see with Grandma and Grandad while I stayed at the cottage with Daddy and had some fun before going to bed.
Mummy said that the show was quite good, and while maybe not quite up to the standard of many of the productions at the festival this year, was in her opinion one of the best festival productions for the past few years. She liked the fact that there were a few different interpritations of some of the lines and liked some of the charecterisation in it. She also like how the very small chorus was used to great effect, though would have liked a few more stranger pairings in act 2.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Day 18 - Another Gullivers!

Yes you did read the title correctly! Today, as I had enjoyed my time at Gullivers so much on the previous visits, Mummy, Daddy and I went, not to the Gullivers in Matlock where I have been before, but to the Gullivers in Warrington. It was a much longer drive (1 hour 20mins instead of 1/2 hour) but it was much bigger! It would be really boring if I wrote about all the rides I went on because I went on so many, but my favourites were the aeroplanes, the car rides, the carosels, the train and the tractor rides. I particularly liked on of the car/tractor rides which I was alowed to go on all by myself as it made me feel so grown up! (Usually I have to have either Mummy or Daddy on the rides with me because I am so little so it was great to be indipendant!) I also like seeing all the dinosaurs in the walkthrough bit and going 'RRRRAAAHHH' at them! :)

Because Grandma and Grandad were also going to the show tonight, only Daddy went and I stayed at home with Mummy. We had loads of fun playing 'Wiggles Singstar', watching Tv and 'dancing The Cachucha' before winding down by reading a book before I went to bed.

Daddy says that the show, Derby's 'Mikado', was really good and very polished, but seemed, to him, to be 'too polished' as, although it was tecnically very good and interesting, it just seemed to have hardly any life in it at all - almost as if it had been rehearsed too much to the the point where the cast were no longer really enjoying it and had got tired and bored of the show, which was a shame. In many ways, a less polished but more 'full of life' show would have been much better from the audience point of view as the lack of life 'took the shine off' an an otherwise excellent production.

Day 17 - A busy but fun day!

Today was a really fun day as we did loads of different and exciting things! Mummy and Daddy met Grandma, Grandad and I in the Pavillion gardens play area where I had a run around and a play for a little while which was great. Mummy, Daddy and I then went into the town centre for a look around some of the shops as they needed to go into Boots to get some throat sweets for them and some more wipes for me. As we were passing one of the cafes Mummy suddenly exclaimed something and took me over to where a lady was standing talking to some people at a table. I was a bit confused at first until I looked up at the lady and saw what she was holding - a tiny fluffy grey kitten that was so so cute! The lady saw me looking at her kitten and asked if I would like to/was allowed to hold it and give it a fuss. When Mummy and Daddy said yes I was deligted as the lady placed the kitten on my lap and I spent a few minutes stroking it's soft fur and giving it a little cuddle. I was very proud when I was told how good and gentle I was with the kitten and could of kept hold of it for ages, but it started to get a bit restless so the lady gently took it off my lap and smiled when I said 'Thankyou' to her and we went on our way. Mummy decided that she would like to go into 'potters' as she had never been in there before and had heard so much about it. She bought a bag from there and said that she thought the shop was great as it was so old fashioned, with members of staff ready to give you personal service when you walked in the door, draws full of 'surpluss stock', more draws of various things behind the counter, and barely a till in sight (Mummy said she spotted one old looking one tucked away in the corner at the back of the store) and the payment for items instead added up on paper and written down in a ledger book and the customer being given a handwritten receipt! Mummy said she is going to 'cherish' her receipt as a souveneir! (Daddy says that apparently Potters do take credit cards, though the machine must be hidden well away out of sight as Mummy couldn't see any evidence of it!) On the way back to the car we went on another ride on the train in the gardens, as I spotted it running and asked so nicely for a go that Mummy and Daddy couldn't resist. :)

Our next activity was a visit to Fairfields Donkey sanctuary which is a place that rescues/takes in donkeys who have been mistreated. It was only a little place so we only stayed for about an hour, (though Mummy says she could have spent all day there,) but I loved seeing and stroking all the donkeys. I made friends with one donkey in particular who came over to see me and then nuzzled up next to me so I gave it lots of big cuddles which both of us loved - donkeys are very cudddly animals! At one point however, one of the donkeys took a fancy to the books that were hanging on my pushchair and started to eat them! When I tried to pull the books away from it, it acidentally got my hand in it's mouth instead of the book! Mummy and Daddy managed to get my hand out of it's mouth quite easily and it didn't really hurt me, though I was a bit shocked and upset for a while once I realised what had and could of happened! I soon calmed down though and made friends with the donkey again as I knew it wasn't it's fault and it didn't mean to upset me! I gave it a big hug and then spent a while with the other donkeys before heading off on the next part of our trip which was to Bakewell.

Needless to say that one of the first things we did when we got there (after finally managing to find a parking space!) was to go to a cafe and have some bakewell tart and bakewell pudding! Yummy yummy yum! As well as that we popped in to have a look at a small craft fair, saw some ducks and went to see a display of old/classic motorbikes which was really interesting! (Daddy wasn't too sure about going to see the bikes at first and nor was Mummy, though she was less unsure as she loves motorbikes herself, but I kept insisting by saying 'bike', 'bike' over and over again and pointing through to the yard that they eventually gave in!) Before we left we went to a bakery and got some cakes to eat in the car and a lemon bakewell tart to eat later!

The show tonight was 'Princess Ida' by Oxford University G&S Society. Mummy and Daddy said that they enjoyed the show, despite the fact that it was by 'the other place' (Daddy went to Cambridge!) and thought that Ida and Gamma were the particular strong points. They said that there were a few bits that were not so good, but over all they enjoyed it and thought it was a good show. (Mummy also commented that one of 'the three brothers' was 'the spit' of Russel Howard! he he!) They also enjoyed the cabaret afterwards.

Day 16 - The heights of Abraham

Today Mummy, Daddy and I visited the Heights of Abraham.

When we got to Matlock we parked in the carpark and then Mummy and Daddy took me across the railway line and up to some things called 'cable cars'. They didn't look much like cars to me as they had no wheels and flew through the air on wires, but as Mummy and Daddy said they were 'cars' I believed them and called them cars too. :) I was wheeled into one of these funny cars and we 'took off' into the air. I really loved looking out of the windows at all the houses, trees, people, cars, busses and bikes that we passed as we made our way up the hill and pointed them all out to Mummy and Daddy.
While at 'the heights' we did loads of exciting things, so many infact that this would be very long and boring if I put all of them so I will just put the best bits. First we went and looked at a display about the changing countryside around the heights and about it becoming a tourist attraction. We then went upstairs in there and looked at some fossils and watched a video about how they were formed - my favourite bit of the video was when there was a big dinosaur - RRRAAAAHHHHH!! After that we went to the lookout tower and I climbed all the way to the top by myself! (ok, with a little help from daddy as he held my hands, but I did all the walking!) I then had a go on the adventure playground which was great fun, even if I was tecnically a bit to little to go on it properly! :) Mummy and Daddy decided after dinner that they would like to go on one of the cave tours so we waited for one of them, only to be told that they could not take me in there in my pushchair as there were loads of steps, so, as they didn't really want me running around the cave they decided not to go on that tour so we went to the other cave which they could take my pushchair in. (Mummy later went in the first cave on her own and enjoyed it, though said that it definatly would have been difficult with the pushchair and that I would probably have got a bit bored during the talks.) The cave we went in was really good and I loved looking around in it and listening to the guide, although my fave bit was when all the lights went out making it really dark. Suddenly I saw a light come on and looked up to see a model of a miner who was talking and telling a tale about life working in the mines. I found this really interesting and was fascinated for most of it, although as the model didn't do anything I did get a bit restless near the end.

On our way back from the cave we stopped at the children's play area and I had loads of fun on all the stuff, though I think Mummy and Daddy particularly like the really big slide that went all the way down a hill. I loved it too as I have never even seen, let alone been on a slide as big as that - I was a bit nervous at first but it was great fun, and I even went down all by myself! (Though Mummy/Daddy were at the bottom waiting for me just incase!) Another of my favourite things was listening to the Ceilidh band that were playing by the resturant. I had a great time dancing to them, and one of them even commented in the microphone how well I was dancing and keeping in time with the music! :)

All to soon it was time to head back to Buxton, though it was not the show we were going back for, as Mummy and Daddy had seen it earlier in the week, but instead we met Grandma, Grandad and Auntie Roxanne for dinner at 'The Old Clubhouse' pub/resturant next to the opera house. I got a bit restless waiting for the food as it took quite a while, so I took Mummy, then Daddy, then Grandma and then Grandad on a 'tour' to see the fish in the pavillion. Dinner was yummy though so it was worth waiting for, I had my own portion of chicken goujons (which was actually an adult starter on the menu but was just right for me though I could only manage half,) a few of Mummy's chips and peas and a bit of Grandad's saussage. For afters I had some of Mummy and Daddy's icecream! Yummy yum!

When dinner was over I had a little run around the Pavilion gardens and the bandstand before going back with the Grandparents to sleep the night while Mummy and Daddy went nto the festival club for the 'Pot-luck Ruddigore.' They said that it was great fun, though as they both had sore throats and coughs they couldn't sing as well or as much as usual and Mummy even sang alto for a lot of it! They were glad they went though.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Day 15 - A day with little G&S

(Appologies for the lateness of the last few posts, we have had no internet connection at the cottage so have been connecting at the festival club, though now Mummy has connected via her phone.)

Today after a while at Grandma and Grandads cottage playing and saying goodbye to Nanna and Great-Nanna who were leaving Buxton today (Grumps left really early in the morning as he had to get back for football,) we went in to Buxton for a bit of shopping and a snack. We went into a sweet show and Mummy and Daddy bought me some lovely banana flavour sweets as a treat for being so good - they were yummy! We also went to the Sky Arts 'toy theatre' to have our photo taken in G&S costumes. Mummy dressed up as a sailor from HMS Pinafore, Daddy dressed up as a geisha from Mikado and I was given a Pirate sword and Hat so I could be from Pirates Of Penzance. (I didn't want to wear the hat, but I held it as an extra prop to go with the sword.) The photos were really funny! :)

In the afternoon we went for a look around Castleton shops and visitors centre and got some really yummy fudge from the fudge shop there. It was DELICIOUS and as we saw it being made I got to try a bit of 3 of the flavours for free. :)

We didn't go to the opera house tonight as it was a repeat of last nights show so we stayed in the cottage instead and watched a bit of the Gondoliers dvd, which was great before I had a bath and went to bed!

Day 14 - Gullivers again! :)

Today, Mummy, Daddy, Nanna, Great-Nanna, Grumps and I went to Gullivers in Matlock Bath. I had already been there with Grandma and Grandad, but I didn't mind going again as it is such fun! While we were there we did loads of fun things, I had 2 goes on the 'lilliput loco' train ride, 3 goes on the 'dino cars', a ride on the 'lazy river', a play in the ball pit, panned for gold, went on the 'gullivers travels' ride and loads more things besides! We also had a lovely dinner in one of the resturants that had loads of models up around the walls that moved, told a story and sang songs - I was really fascinated by them which was good, though did distract me from my dinner a little bit! When we were about to leave the park at about closing time, we saw the 'Gully mice' doing some dancing which we watched and I joined in a bit, and so did Mummy! (Though she may not admit to doing so herself!)

After Gullivers, Mummy and Daddy droped me off at Grandma and Grandad's for the night as they were going to see the show which was the G&S Opera company's 'Yeomen' directed by Jeff Clarke who also directs one of Mummy's favourite companys, Opera Della Luna.

Mummy and Daddy said that they really enjoyed the show and that they are tempted to buy the DVD as they would love to see it again as there were so many little touches that they are sure they missed some of them! They thought the set was very different but liked it, especially the use of the red curtain coming down to create the Lieutenant's quarters/another room. They also thought that Colonel Fairfax reminded them a bit of 'Blackadder' and Wilfred reminded them a bit of 'Baldrick'! :) Another comment that Mummy gave was that she really did enjoy it and get into it and was in tears at the end when Jack point 'falls insensible', but then found the spell broken when she realised, (as he was falling) that he was going to fall in the path of the curtain, and she couldn't help but have a slight snigger at that despite herself! (She was proved right as it did hit his leg, and she hopes he wasn't hurt as that curtain is very heavy!)

All in all a great day and a Fantastic show, which Nanna, Great-Nanna and Grumps said was a perfect end to their time in Buxton.

Day 13 - Tiredness!

After all the excitement last night I was not in Mummy and Daddy's good books today when I woke them up at 6am! (Sorry!)

When they finally came round, we spent the first bit of the morning relaxing in the cottage before going into Buxton to see the ducks, look at the fish and have lunch, before returning to the cottage for a nap! (All 3 of us had a nap!)

When we had all woken up, we went over to Nanna, Great-Nanna and Grump's cottage to see them and had lots of fun seeing the cats, sheep and tractors. Mummy and Daddy then left me there to sleep the night while they went to see Southampton's 'Utopia' in the opera house.

Of the show they said that they felt that there was no need to change most of the recits into straight dialogue, or to cut one of the best songs in the show (first you're born) out compleatly. They also said that some of the extra 'quotes' and allusions to other operas were not nessasary. They did like the Morris dancing for 'society has quite forsaken' though wished that the main dancing had been reserved for when there was no singing as it had a tendancy to be a bit distracting! Overall however, they felt that the concept worked pretty well and thoroughly enjoyed the show!

Day 12 - Showtime!!

I didn't really see much of Mummy and Daddy today as it was the day of Savoynet's Gondoliers so they spent most of their time at the theatre! I did however see them for a little while in the morning before they went there and we had a little play which was great! I spent the day with my grandparents and had loads of fun, but I am going to write in here about the show because I know a lot of Mummy and Daddy's friends will be reading this and want to know about it.

After a good, but tiring dress rehearsal (during which Daddy banged his leg on someone's sword and really hurt it!) it was time for the performance. Grandad Read (Grumps) had got to Buxton just in time to see the show so he took his place in the audience with my other Grandparents while Auntie Roxanne looked after me. Ian Smith did his pre-show speech and announced that the show was a sell out and that people had even payed for the 'standing room only' places! Mummy and Daddy said that the show went really well, with only a few very minor slip ups and mistakes and that the audience and adjudicator really seemed to enjoy it. Mummy said that the cachucha was her personal highlight as she really enjoyed dancing it and felt that the audience gave it a very good reaction and applause when they had finished. Daddy was not sure what his favourite bit of the show was as he enjoyed all of it, although I am pretty sure that he may include his 'burp' (which he had been practicing all week) among his highlights! (Daddy had to burp just after the line 'We are much obliged to you for your expressions of satisfaction and good feeling!)

When they show was over all the cast headed over to the festival club for their cabaret, and I even woke up from my sleep and was picked up by Nanna to go and join them, wearing my own Gondoliers t-shirt that had been printed especially! :) I couldn't wait to get onto the cabaret stage, so I ran up to Neil Smith just before he announced the start of the cabaret, we were going to introduce it together, but I decided to leave it to the pro and went back to Mummy. I joined the cast onstage for the first number that was dedicated to Sarah and Stuart who got married at the start of the festival. I got a bit stage struck when Diana, the director, introduced me to everyone in the club, but I took it in my stride and really loved being up there singing with everyone. I enjoyed it so much that I spent the rest of the excellent cabaret trying to get back onto the stage! Unfortunatly, by the time it got to the last couple of chorus numbers when Mummy and Daddy went back onstage, I was feeling very over tired and restless and so couldn't really stay on the stage with them so instead I had a dance around with 'Auntie' Krystal (my friend Donovan's mum) which was great fun. :) I did manage to get back on the stage when it was all over though and sang 'twinkle twinkle little star', though as I wasn't anywhere near enough to reach the microphones no-one could hear me except Mummy and Daddy but I didn't really care!

Needless to say I was really tired when it was all over!

Day 11 - the day before the big show

I had loads of fun today with Grandma, Grandad and Auntie Roxanne while Mummy and Daddy and the rest of the Savoynet Gondoliers cast had their final rehearsals in Trinity Church before going to the Opera House tomorrow. When they had finished their rehearsal they had their final talk and then the 'big clean' of the church, that they do every year to make sure the church is lovely and clean once rehearsals finish. I got there just before the big clean started and before everyone had got out of their costumes from the dress rehearsal so I got a sneak prieview of all the beautiful costumes - I thought Daddy's act 2 costume was really funny, well the wig was, especially as Daddy kept putting it on and taking it off again! :) I also helped out with the big clean by picking up odd bits of paper, thread and other bits and pieces off the floor, everyone was really impressed that I was helping and I felt proud to be helping everyone out, even if it was only by doing a little bit of tidying for them.

Tonights show, which Mummy, Daddy, Great-Nanna, Nanna, [great-]Aunty Val and [great-]Uncle John went to see was the university production of Pinafore. (It was meant to be cast solely from university students who were visiting the festival, but in reality some of the men's chorus and most of the women's chorus was made up of other festival goers as they did not have enough applicants to fill the places.) They thought that the show was quite good, though far from the best they had seen at the festival. Overall they felt that the male principals were much stronger than the female ones (they thought that Captain Corcoran and Sir Joseph were particularly good) and didn't really like Josephine or Buttercup's characterisation or accents, as they felt the accents especially got in the way of their acting as, Josephine especially seemed to be concertrating more on the accent then putting any emotion or feeling into her part, although the adjudicator seemed to disagree saying she had done the compleate opposite! Ah well, it's mostly a matter of opinion anyway! :)

Day 10 - Visitors

Today I spent the day with Nanna and Great-Nanna and also spent some time with [great-]Uncle John and [great-]Aunty Val who had come over for a couple of days stay as they have a camper van and so booked a plot in the field next to the cottage. (Though they actually stayed in the cottage in the end I think!) We had loads of fun going out and looking round diffent places and playing with my Mega Blocks in the cottage, and I also entertained them by using the fireplace as a stage and singing and dancing. :)

Tonight's show was Iolanthe by Trent Opera. Mummy and Daddy said it was very good, although there were a few minor slip ups, but nothing that was really noticable. They recognised the set as it was the same set that they used when they did Iolanthe with Savoynet, although that was where the simularities ended! They missed seeing the Peers robes in heir entrance, although did not feel that this was really a problem as what they did worked really well in the context of the show, but just didn't make quite the same impact. Mummy said that, if she had been a performer in that production, she would also haave missed the fairies' wings as she would not of felt a 'real fairy' without them, though as an audience member she did not really miss them at all and thought that the fairies' 'autumnal' costumes were really beautiful and the fairies themselves, to use one of the adjudicator's comments, were really 'fun'. Mummy's friend Jess was Iolanthe and Mummy said she did really well and also that it was great tosee an iolanthe who was actually near the stated age of 17.

After the show Mummy and Daddy went to the festival club to meet up with Nanna, Great-Nanna, Uncle John and Aunty Val, who had not been to the show to see the cabaret. They all enjoyed the 'community singing' of Iolanthe choruses, though as non-singers John and Val were a little bemused by proceedings. I am proud to say that Mummy and her friends Meriel and Gennie went up to join the men on the stage for the Peers' chorus as is tradition! :) Everyone also enjoyed the main bit of the cabaret which was various solos and Duets from the Trent Opera cast. They thought it was of a very high standard and John and Val, who have never been to the festival before thought that many of the numbers were of a standard not out of place on the professional stage.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Day 9 - A break from rehearsals

Today Mummy and Daddy had a day off from their rehearsals as it was principals only. We spent the morning at the cottage relaxing, before meeting up with the grandparents and Auntie Roxanne for dinner. I had fish fingers which were really yummy - so much so that I asked for more when I was finished! :)

After lunch we went to the Pavilion for ice-creams and I was 'Highly delighted' to have a butterscotch one all to myself. I made a bit of a mess (a LOT of a mess says Mummy) but it was delicious! :) While we were eating we listened to a brass band that was playing on the bandstand in the gardens. I thought they were very good but was dissappointed that I did not hear any G&S being played while I was listening. I escaped from my pushchair after I had finished my ice-cream to go and see the ducks and then I noticed the train in the gardens was running. Luckily Mummy and Daddy had planned on taking me on it anyway so I had a ride on it with Mummy, Daddy and Auntie Roxanne. I loved the ride, and we even got an extra lap for our money which was great! (It usually goes round the track twice but we went round three times!). When the ride had stopped and before anyone could stop me, I ran to the play area to play for a little while before going back to the cottage with the 'rents and Roxanne.

While I had my nap Mummy and Roxanne had a play on the Wiggles singstar game which they both said was great fun! When I woke up they got me ready and then we went to Grandma and Grandad's 'new cottage', (they had to move cottage yesterday for the last 2 weeks of the festival,) to have a look around and to drop me off for the night. It really is a lovely big flat with loads of toys for me to play with and a really massive garden, (which I had an explore of) with a stream, swings and some really cute Guinea-pigs, which I loved, especially as I am missing the ones at nursary. :)

Mummy and Daddy said that the shows (Charles Court Opera's 'Zoo and HMS Pinafore) were both excellent! They had seen 'Zoo' by them last year, but pinafore was a new production that they hadn't seen before. They particularly liked the 'aunt' in pinafore and thought that their friend Ian Belsey was Spectacular in the role of Sir Joseph, quite the star of the show (Mummy and Daddy said you would buy me an ice-cream if I put that Ian!) 'The best Sir Joseph they have seen so far in this festival!'

They also said that after 40 years of showbiz experience he should be nearly up to the standard required to take part in the cabaret and are looking forward to hearing him another year when he feels confident enough! ;)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Day 8 - The Savoynet meal

Day 8 - The savoynet meal

Today was another day with Mummy and Daddy in rehearsals and which I spent with My grandparents. I spent the morning going round Buxton with Grandma and Grandad and also Auntie Roxanne, who arrived by coach last night. At lunchtime We met up with Nanna and Great-Nanna and also Mummy and Daddy, (who were on their lunchbreak from rehearsals) and went for a look around the memorabilia fair. I didn't really see what all the fuss was about, but Mummy and Daddy seemed very excited by all the stuff that was onsale and spent loads of money on things. One of the stallholders (Who knew Mummy and Daddy,) Came over to me and gave me a yeoman teddy bear and said that it was a present for me and that we didn't have to pay for it which I thought was great! :) When Mummy and Daddy went back to rehearsals I went out with Nanna and Great-Nanna.

In the evening it was time for the annual Savoynet Photo and Meal. We met outside the opera house and I had a little run around and went to see everyone. I finally got to meet Bob and Jackie who were like second parents to Mummy while she was at university. :)

When everyone had gone into the operahouse to see the show, all the Savoynetters gathered on the operahouse steps for the photograph. I wasn't really in the mood for staying still and posing, but Daddy held me and I tried my best to be good. When that was over we all walked to the restaurant for he meal. When we got there, Mummy and Daddy put me in the highchair and almost immediatly gave me a prawn cracker to try - I thought it was yummy and so asked for more! During the meal I tried a bit of most things, including spring rolls. lemon chicken, spare ribs, rice, sweet and sour pork and stir-fry veg - I though it was all yummy, though was too tired to eat too much of it. When everyone had finished eating a few people did some speeches and we made some 'toasts' to various people - everyone on our table thought it was really cute that I joined in using my juice! The speaches were followed by everyone singing 'Hail Poetry' which is a bit of a G&S anthem, and then those on our table also sang a few more songs with a few more people joining in. We left the restaurant and went to the festival club for the Pot-luck Trial By Jury, but unfortunatly I was so tired that I fell asleep before it even started! Mummy and Daddy enjoyed it though. :)

Friday, 6 August 2010

Day 7 - Day with Nanna and Great-Nanna

Today was quite a wet and rainy day so while Mummy and Daddy were busy rehearsing I spent most of my time and Nanna nd Great-Nanna's cottage playing with my toys. I loved the big fireplace in the cottage which I used as a 'stage' for showing off my singing and dancing, which kept them both entertained - I even showed off a few moves I had learned from watching Mummy and Daddy practicing their Cachucha. I really love performing and can't wait until I am old enough to join Mummy and Daddy doing their Savoynet shows! :)

This evening I went to Grandma and Grandad's cottage to sleep the night and Mummy and Daddy went to see the G&S Opera Company perform 'The Mikado' and then went to the festival club for the pot luck Ida.

Mummy and Daddy thought that the show was very good and enjoyable, although there was not anything particularly special to distinguish it from other Mikado's that they have seen. Their friend Nick Sales was playing Nanki-Poo, and they said that was excellent in the role as always. :)

They said the pot luck Ida, with a mostly, if not entirely Savoynet main cast was great fun as the pot-lucks always are, though 'Wouldn't you know the kind of maid' was a particular highlight. :)

Day 6 - Gullivers

Today Grandma and Grandad took me to the Gullivers family theme park in the morning while mummy and Daddy were rehearsing.
We had loads of fun on the rides - my favourite was the Lilliput express train ride, which I wanted to go on again and again! :)

By about 1.00 I had tired Grandma and Granddad out so wwe went back to their cottage for the rest of the afternoon and had fun playing with my toys before going to pick up Mummy and Daddy from their rehearsal. We got their a bit early and I'm glad we did as we managed to catch the end of their rehearsal when they were blocking the Cachucha. I thought it was great hearing all the great singing and watching everyone doing the dancing. I loved clapping along, and when everyone had finished I couldn't resist running into the rehearsal area and shouting for 'MORE' and showing off to everyone that I could do some of the moves! (Well sort of! :) ) Luckily for me they did do more, and, because I didn't want to go back to Grandma for the first time, Daddy picked me up and I had a dance with him and Mummy which was great fun, though when they did a full run of the dance I had to go back to watch and it was AMAZING, especially considering that they had only just learned it! (The last comment has nothing to do with the fact that Mummy helps me type this up!)

I spent this evening Singing Wiggles and Watching Paramithi with Daddy while Mummy went to see the show in the opera house which was Pirates by South Anglia.

Mummy says that, although it was a very good and polished show she feels that it suffered a fair ammount with 'Pork-pie disease' (playing for cheap laughs), with things like Fredrick being in just his underpants for most of the first act being just one of them. She also agreed with the adjudicator about the Seargent of Police, as he was played as being extreamly camp and it was just too much and detreacted from the character rather than adding to it, which was a shame and it wasn't particularly to Mummy's taste - lot's of the audience seemed to enjoy the character though which was good. Despite these there were also many non-traditional bits that mummy did like, like the Pirates coming in in their 'ship' at the start and Ruth apearing out of Fredrick's birthday cake. Overall a great show though possibly not of the same standard as South Anglia's previous shows in Mummy's opinion.

Day 5 - Mummy and Daddy's first rehearsal.

Today was the day of Mummy and Daddy's first rehearsal for Savoynet's Gondoliers, (They perform on Wednesday,) so while they were at rehearsals I spent the day going around Buxton, first with Grandma and Grandad Hall in the morning and then, after popping in to see Mummy and Daddy during their lunchbreak, with Nanna Read and Great-Nanna Harrowven in the afternoon. I had loads of fun looking around the shops and in the pavillion gardens! :)

When Mummy and Daddy had finished their rehearsals we went to meet them outside Trinity Church where they were rehearsing. They said that they had had a great time, but that it was also hard work and they would not give away anything about the production to me. (Even if they had I would not be allowed to post it on here.

Tonight I spent the evening with Mummy watching Cbeebies, Singing on my Wiggles Singstar game and Watching my Kingdom of Paramithi dvd while Daddy went to see the performance in the opera house, which was the youth production of Sorcerer.

Over to Daddy for a short review:
This show could have stood its ground in the adjudication against the adult shows, and it is a shame it is treated separately. Obviously concessions have to be made for the less mature voices, but this didn't spoil a good show. It was also nice to hear a real orchestra (albeit a reduced one) rather than just a piano, as has happened in other years.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Day 4 - Last day before rehearsals start.

I started the morning by giving Mummy and Daddy a lovely lie-in as I didn't wake up until gone 8.30!!

The first part of the morning was spent in the cottage, watching CBeebies and playing with the new toys I got at the wedding yesterday before going into Buxton for a walk around.
When we arrived in Buxton, we had to walk past Trinity Church where Mummy and Daddy have their rehearsals, and where some of the principals were rehearsing today. Dianna, the director came out and said 'Hi' and that they were just taking a break at that moment if we wanted to go in a say hello - so we did!
I had a good run around and went to see all the principals, which was great, but the best bit was when Dianna came over and handed me - A WIGGLES SINGSTAR GAME AND A 'KINGDOM OF PARAMITHI' DVD!!!! :) I was really delighted as I thought I wouldn't get them as they are not avaliable in the UK. (Dianna lives in Australia, so apparently Mummy and Daddy emailed her and asked if she could possibly buy one or other of them and bring them with her and they would pay her back and she bought both!!) I am such a lucky boy!

After meeting the principals we went into Buxton town centre for lunch, and while we were there we heard a bagpiper and couple of vilolinists - I really enjoyed both of them, but what I was most impressed with was the bagpipe players cheeks which really blew up like baloons - Daddy was also highly impressed!

When I woke up from my nap (at the cottage) Mummy and Daddy had put on my new Dvd. I watched the first episode and thought it was great! The story was the king and queen of Paramithi putting on a production of Cinderella. It had loads of music in it,most of which was from the G&S operas (although with VERY different words!) so of course that is what I loved most about it! :) I then had a go at singing some duets with Mummy on the Singstar game, (I got quite a good score on 'twinkle twinkle little star') and then Daddy took my mike and had a go while I had a dance! :) Nanna and Great-Nanna turned up and we had a little play and then we all went to the Clubhouse for the Savoynet meet up.
At the meetup I spent AGES playing with my friend Donovan, running around and causing general havoc - we made sure our parents and grandparents were kept busy! I then went back to the cottage with Nanna and Great-Nanna while Mummy and Daddy went to see the show which was Peak Opera's Patience.

Mummy and Daddy said that they liked the "cello" in Act 2, which looked and sounded more like a tuba. The silly marching was good and very polished (except when people, very occasionally, got out of step). They didn't get the idea behind the subtitles being carried across the stage on pieces of paper in a handful of places. But this didn't really detract from an excellent production. (Oh and they were amazed at how much 'Mike Raynor' looked like 'Auntie Ian' on stage as the solicitor!)

Day 3 - Such a pretty pretty wedding.

Today was a wonderful day because Mummy and Daddy's friends Sarah and Stuart got married, and Mummy was one of their bridesmaids! :) (They are my friends too, but mummy and Daddy know them better!)

I started off the day at Grandma and Grandad's cottage having a play while Daddy had a bit of a rest and Mummy was at the hotel with Sarah getting ready for the wedding. Grandma and Grandad took me outside for a little while and while we were out I met my 'email friend' Donovan and we had a great time running around and playing together and even swapped toys! ( When Mummy was about 4 months pregnant with me she was in Princess Ida at the festval with Donovan's Mummy Krystal, who lives in America, who was also 4 months preganant with Donovan. Donovan was born about a week after I was.)

Anyway..........After my Nap Daddy got me changed into my new shirt, trousers, socks and shoes and I went in my pushchair to the bandstand in the pavillion gardens to see the wedding. I got really excited when I saw the wedding cars with the bridesmaids, bridesmen, Sarah and her mum in as they were old fashioned ones that looked really nice and posh. Sarah looked really beautiful in her wedding dress (Mummy says that when she first saw her walking down the hotel steps in it, her and the other bridesmaids cried cos she looked so stunning!) and I didn't recognise Mummy at first because she looked very different in her bridesmaids dress, with her hair and makeup done all posh!

The ceremony itself took place on the bandstand, but as we were sitting in the gardens infront of it Daddy and I could not hear much of it except the singing, but Mummy says that it was really lovely and made her cry!

After the photographs (which I will post a couple of at a later date.) we went to The palace Hotel for the wedding reception. We started with a drinks and canapes reception and then went in for the main meal. I was soo lucky during the meal as 'Aunty Sandra' (The brides Mum) had made me up a wonderful goody bag to keep me amused that had loads of books, a mini colouring book and crayons, a toy bus with figures to sit in it, a toy train with carriages that join together with magnets, 2 bananas and a bottle of my favourite J20 juice! She had even arranged for me to have a special portion of icecream during the afters!! (I shared Daddy's food for the other 2 courses as he didn't want much!)
Before the speaches I had a little run around and play with my new toys in a little area beside the tables that was just big enough for me to run round in, and Mummy and Daddy said I was a very good boy during them as I sat down on the floor nicely with my new books and didn't make too much noise!

I had a run around outside while the rooms were being re-set for the disco and then went in for a little dance about. I really loved running around and dancing on the dancefloor, and the man doing the disco even took a couple of pictures of me dancing and put them up on the screen as part of the wedding slideshow! I thought it was great to see myself on the screen and kept pointing out the pictures everytime they appeared. I also loved joining in to dancing to 'reach for the stars' by Sclub7 as it was fun to copy the routine that all the other people on the dancefloor were doing - everyone said that I was very good at it! :)

After a while I started to get rather tired and also a bit grizzly because i didn't want to be tired, so Daddy took me out for a ride in my pushchair for 1/2 hour while Mummy had a bit of a dance and then as I was getting so tired, and Daddy was too, We decided to call it a night and go back to the cottage for some sleep.

I will end by saying CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah and Stuart and hope they have many happy years together as Husband and Wife. :)

Photos will follow shortly!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Day 2 - Lazy day!

After my late night last night I decided to give Mummy and Daddy a lie-in today so didn't get up til 8.00!

After breakfast and a little while watching CBeebies, Mummy and Daddy took me to the play area in the Pavillion gardens for a run around and a play. I got a bit of a wet bottom going down the slide, but I didn't care! We then went for a look around town and I had a ride on a ride in the shopping centre that was good fun and for some reason I got a new toot-toot ball at the end of it, which was brilliant!! We had dinner at a little cafe before we went back to the cottage so I could have my nap.

When I woke up, I notcied that Mummy and Daddy had put up a stair gate to stop me having fun climbing the stairs! :( BOOOO!! I had my snack, then we went out to see the horses and I had a play with my new toot-toot ball, rolling it down the farm driveway and chasing after it! I also jumped in quite a few puddles, which I found great fun - though I don't think Mummywas too happy about the thought of having to do my washing!

We went to Grandma and Grandad Hall's cottage for a little while before tea, which we had back at our cottage, and then i was dropped back at Grandma and Grandad's to sleep the night while Mummy and Daddy went to the theatre to see the Pro Iolanthe and go to the Pot luck Pinafore in the festival club! I will hand over to Mummy for a review...................

Show was good, principals strong, chorus polished - though often 'marching' on the wrong foot! Umm........Pot luck great fun as always. May write more of a review later but tired and need sleep, and internet not good at the cottage so typing at the club! Bed time! :)

Day 1 Travel and late nights!

When Mummy and Daddy had finally finished packing the car with our
stuff, which was around lunchtime, we set off for a quick saussage/spam
and chips which we ate in the car, and then set off for Buxton.
I slept for about 2 thirds of the journey, which was about 3 hours
long, and then when I woke up I started to watch one of my Wiggles dvds
on our 'in car dvd player, which Grumps gave us, but had to stop after
2 songs because Daddy's satnav ran out of battery and he needed to plug
it in where the dvd player was! :( Daddy did let Mummy re-plug it in
for me when he got to a road he knew! :)
When we got to our cottage I almost immediatly spotted the Horses, so
after the man had given us a quick refresh of where everything was (we
stayed in the same cottage for the last week last year) I made Mummy
take me to see them while Daddy was unloading the car!
As well as the horses we saw, Sybil the pig and Basil the dog who I
remember from last year. I got lovely and muddy which I loved, though I
don't think Mummy was too impressed! We then went shopping in the local
Tescos express and had a play in the cottage before going into Buxton
for a walk. (In the rain!)
On our walk we had a look around the Pavillion gardens, talked to the
lady on the Pimms stall outside the opera house, and saw a few friends.
It was already about an hour after my bedtime when we went into the
festival club. We went straight over to the little play area and I had
a great time looking at the books and playing with the various toys
that were out. I also had a run around the club to see some of our
friends, and Mummy got me a J2O juice which I love!
When I started to 'act a bit too tired and silly' Mummy and Daddy put
me in pushchair, but still let me play with the toys which was nice.
Nanna Read and Great Nanna Harrowven came to join us, and Great Nanna
had a great time playing with one of the noisy toys! :)
The main entertainment for the night was a 'pot luck' Gondoliers.
Mummy, Daddy, Nanna and Great Nanna sang along to all the chorus bits
and I was really enjoying listening to the music and singing, and,
although it was about 2 1/2 hours past bedtime I really didn't want to
go to sleep and miss any. However sleep finally overtook me halfway
through one of the Casilda/Luiz duets! Mummy and Daddy said it was
really good though and I wish I could've heard all of it!