Saturday 1 August 2009

The first day in Buxton.

Well, after a 3 1/2 hour journey to Buxton (during which Mummy and I mostly slept - Daddy couldn't beause he was driving), we arrived in Buxton. We were about an hour early to get into our cottage so Mummy and Daddy took me for a little walk (in the rain) around by the pavilion.
It took about 5 minutes for them to meet the first person they knew and they kept on seeing different friends all the while we were on our walk and even at the cafe where we had a sandwich. I didn't mind though as it meant I was being made a big fuss of!

The cottage we are staying at is really nice with lots of room for me to crawl around and explore. It is on a farm/riding stables so there are plenty of animals for me to look at including a pig called Sybill who I said hello to.

Last night I had loads of fun with my Grandma and Grandad Hall (who are staying in the cottage nextdoor), listening to cds, crawling, playing and generally showing off, while Mummy and Daddy went to see ODL's Sorceror and also went to the Pot Luck Ida in the festival club.

Mummy and Daddy tell me that the show was very good, but that I must not say too much on here in case some people who are going to see it next time are reading this. They have told me that I can say that it was very funny, slightly x rated and included a bit of another Sullivan song. Also, they say that the image of Ian Belsey 'Headbanging' and doing his 'Funky dancing' will haunt them for life!! They say that the Pot Luck was also very good, but they felt it was spoilt by the fact that they also did the speaking as well as the singing as it made it go on too long. (Although it did mean that Mummy got to take the part of Ada with 3 seconds notice!)

Snogs and Snuggles

Robert x

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