Monday 3 August 2009

Day 3, My first trip to The Paxton.

This morning Daddy had to go and get a couple of tyres changed on his car so I spent the morning with Mummy, first at the cottage and then in town where Daddy met us for lunch before meeting up with my Grandparents for an icecream. (They let me have a bit and also a bit of the cone! Yummy yum!) After that, Mummy Daddy and I went to The Paxton to see Ian Belsey's concert. Unfortunatly, as I was very tired, I was asleep for the first couple of songs or so, but I woke up just in time to hear a really funny song about a couple of saussages. I really liked that song and it made me and Mummy laugh. Louise Crane and Nick Sales also sang and we also got to meet Sooty - YEY. I loved the Pearl Fishers' duet too, it was beautiful and one of Mummy and Daddy's favourites too! It was such a good concert I really wanted to sing along although Mummy said that I was only allowed to sing along when she was - so I joined in the last chorus of 'The Hippopotamus song' and also tried to join in with the last song (or Encore as they called it,) but Mummy was not too happy about that! I met Ian afterwards and 'told him how much I enjoyed myself' and he was pleased I liked it and didn't seem to mind my singing. (Maybe we can do a duet one day when I am a bit older?)

Tonight I stayed in the cottage with Daddy while Mummy and the Grandparents went to see Mikado. Mummy said that it was a good production, although she found a lot of the music rather slow (She knew that the opening chorus was definatly slow as she says she could have played the difficult flute bit at that speeed and knows she can't quite play it full speed,) and thought that the Katisha needed a much better stage presence as she was 'easy to miss' at times. She liked the Ko-Ko (her friend Gareth) and thought he was really good, though wished that he had been allowed to sing Tit Willow 'straight' as she thinks he would have done it beautifully (not that he didn't anyway but...) and it would have worked better. She said there were some good touches and different bits like a trombone being played by Nanki-Poo instead of the first 'Oh ni biki backy wacky' bit, (The bit that used to make me jump when I was a tiny baby and at Mummy and Daddy's rehearsals!) and good modernised bit's in Little List and My object all sublime. On the whole Mummy agreed with the adjudicator David Turner's comments, although she was dissappointed that he did not do his usual thing and comment on the shoes as she said as she knew he was adjudicating she especially took note of the shoes which were very good and all the men and women had the same.
Because I had gone to sleep and then woken up and wouldn't go back to sleep, Daddy decided to take me to the festival club where Mummy, Daddy and I started by joining in the singing of Mikado Choruses. I then had a bit of a play in the play area (which is great as it has lots of things for me to chew and bash and a little table that I can hold onto to stand up) while we listened to the caberet by St Andrew's Uni. After that Mummy and Daddy took me to meet some of their friends and then we headed back to the cottage and went to bed. (Mummy says I'm such a 'dirty stop-out' as it was 1.30am before we got back, but I don't mind!)

All in all a good day.

Sticky handed hugs.


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