Tuesday 4 August 2009

Day 4, A wet day

Well today was the last day before Mummy and Daddy start rehearsals for Grand Duke and so we were going to go out somewhere

but.............. It was raining! :( So we started off by going over to Grandma and Grandad's cottage for breakfast and then

spent the morning there playing and seeing the farm cat. When I started to get restless, Mummy and Daddy took me for a walk

into Buxton. We went into the museum for a look around and I was fascinated by one of the halls that had artwork by a lady

called Sue Platt. I don't think Mummy and Daddy were quite so impressed though as they are not big modern art fans! (They

seemed to like the stuff and thought it was nice but they didn't find it nearly as fasinating as I did.) I also liked looking round the rest of the museum and putting on a Roman helmet that Mummy found in the dressing up bag. (Mummy also dressed up in some of the clothes and I thought she looked very funny!)
This evening, before the show, Mummy and Daddy took me to meet loads of their Savoynet friends outside 'The Clubhouse'. Needless to say I got made a great fuss of by everyone and I am looking forward to seeing lots more of them during the festival, especially on the days when I am allowed to go to a bit of the rehearsals. I was most pleased however to final meet 'Uncle' Ori who I have heard so much about and 'spoken' to via facebook chat but never actually met til tonight. (Though it did give me a bit of a shock when I was happily sitting on my 'hippie seat' on Mummy's hip and she suddenly shrieked and started running madly towards someone - but I forgave her!) My Grandparents then took me home while Mummy and Daddy went to see the shows in the Opera house.

The first show was 'Trial by Jury' that was done by an 'Australian company' that only seemed to actually have 5 or 6 Australians in it as the rest were people Mummy and Daddy knew who were definatly not from Australia! They said the show was quite good, although it was not the best Trial they have seen and they noticed a few wrong words and were rather confused by a 'drunk' character that didn't seem to add anything to the plot and didn't even sing! They also said that the angelena was much older than they had expected or ever seen before.It was not a problem, but just gave some lines a compleatly different meaning than usual.
The second show was Cox And Box, which Mummy and Daddy thought was excellent!! It was, apparently, rather a traditional production, but very well acted and sung by all. Mummy was particularly pleased that they did the marching starting with the correct foot, unlike the fairies in Charles Court's Iolanthe a couple of days ago. Speaking of Charles Court, they did the third show which was The Zoo. There was no chorus in that production, just the main cast, but Mummy and Daddy said it worked very well like that and was an extreamly good show. (Though Mummy has now got the 'four tarts and a couple of pears' song in her head!!)

Well tomorrow Mummy and Daddy start rehearsals so I suppose I had better let them get some sleep now!

Snuggle puffs

Robert x

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