Thursday 6 August 2009

Day 5, The first rehearsal.

Today was Mummy and Daddy's first Grand Duke rehearsal so they had to leave me with Grandma and Grandad shortly after I'd had my breakfast. I was ok, but I was sad to see them go, especially Mummy as I am used to being with her all day and it was strange her not being there. (I am more used to being without daddy as he has to go to work.)
Grandma, Grandad and I started the day by looking at all the animals around the farm. I made friends with a couple of sheep called 'Mint' and 'Jelly' who were really sweet and kept coming up for a fuss. I also saw the cat, some horses, Basil the dog and Sybil the pig who I think is very funny. We then went to the Pavillion Gardens to watch the children playing and to feed the ducks and go on the swings, which is one of my favourite things to do.

When it was time to meet Mummy and Daddy after their rehearsal we waited outside for them. When they finally got out I was so pleased to see them and gave them a really big smile and they picked me up for a cuddle. Then I told them all about what I had done during the day and they told me about their rehearsal. They say I'm not allowed to give away anything on here, but they said that their rehearsal was really fun and they got loads of stuff done and think it will be a fun show.

After about 2 hours with them, Mummy and Daddy had to leave me again to go and see Pirates. They thought it was a good show and well cast. Their friend Laura was playing Ruth and they said that she was very funny in the role and did it well, though they said that they could tell that she is really a sop, especially having heard her sing Ida in the Pot Luck the other day. They also got Grandma and Grandad to 'spot the mistake' in the programme where they had accidentaly printed the musical numbers from Mikado instead! Oopsy!!
As I had finally got to sleep by the time they got out of the show (I had been having teeth trouble and so was very grizzly) they also went to the after show cabaret which they said was of a very high standard, and they particularly like a song called 'book report' about writing books reports for the book 'Peter Rabbit'. They have said that they will have to find a You Tube video of this piece as they think I will like it too. There was a bit of a drama when someone got taken ill and the cabaret had to be stopped for a while, but as far as we know the person is ok now.

That will do for now I think.

Squeesy hugs

Robert x

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