Thursday, 4 August 2011

Buxton 2011: Days 3,4 and 5

First, sorry for not updating this every day - I have just been so busy!

Day 3 started with Mummy and Daddy telling me that they were going to take me out to somewhere called Drayton Manor. They told me that they thought I would really love it, but would not tell me anything about it! (To be honest it sounded to me just like an old house or something and quite boring, but I didn't say anything!) On the way there I was so tired that I fell asleep and woke up just a little while before we reached our destination. When we got to Drayton Manor and I noticed the sign, I realised that it must be some sort of theme park and then I noticed.........."TOOT TOOT! TOOT TOOT!" I shouted excitedly when I noticed the big picture of
Thomas The Tank Engine on the sign! It turns out that Drayton Manor actually has a whole section that is Thomas The Tank Engine themed! Of course that was the first bit we went to, and we saw Thomas, Percy, James, Henry, Cranky, Gordon, Edward, Rosie, Toby, Harold and loads of the other Characters. I thought I would start by gong on the troublesome trucks ride, I thought it was very scary as it is a rollercoaster and I'm not sure if I liked it, but I was glad I was brave and went on it. While at the park I also went on loads of other 'Toot Toot' rides (Including a ride on Thomas!) and some of the other rides, including a really fun, but a bit scary rapids ride. I also went for a little look around the Zoo area where I met a coule of Parrots who said "Hello" to me - They actually said Hello! I thought that was very funny and very clever of them.
When it was time to leave Mummy and Daddy let me buy some things from the Toot Toot shop and also let me get a Magic Photo taken with him which they bought for me!
In the evening Nanna, Grumps and great nanna looked after me while Mummy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandad went to see edinborough's Mikado in the opera house. Mummy and Daddy thought the show was really good, although some of the voices didn't carry as well as they might have done. Mummy said that she really loved Katisha's costumes and that if she ever plays Katisha then she wants the same costumes (All three of them!). They liked the fact that the order of songs was changed back to how it originally was and thought it actually worked better like that and that the updated little list and Mikado's song worked really well. Mummy also said that there were a couple of Dragons on the stage with Katisha that I would have liked. They thought the show on the whole was wonderful and that the cabaret afterwards was excellent too.

Day 4 Was the last day I had with Mummy and Daddy before their rehearsals started and it was
spent around Buxton going shopping and playing in the play area in the Pavilion gardens. In the
evening before the show we had a meet up with loads of Savoynetters. I really loved meeting everyone and being made a fuss of and I made some new friends as well as seeing soem peole who I met last year. I was really pleased when Daddy went to get the Mikado t-shirts and I found out that I had two of my own. Just before it was time for Mummy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandad to go and see the show and for me to go to Nanna, Grumps and Great Nanna's flat to stay for the night, there was a fanfare played outside the opera house which I thought was really great. I had lots of fun at the flat meeting the farm cats who all came to see me and let me stroke them.
The show was Trent's Yeomen which had Mummy's friend Jess playing Phoebe. Mummy and Daddy thought that the show was very good, although Daddy said that he found it somewhat static in places. The principals were all really good and acted and sang well, with a few slightly different takes on the caracters. The adjudicator seemed to like the show too! :)

Day 5 was Mummy and Daddy's first day of Mikado rehearsals so while they were busy rehearsing their music I went with Nanna, Grumps and Great-Nanna to Crich tramway museum where I had a great time. There were loads of differnt trams to look at and ride on, and a brilliant play area too! I really loved going on the trams and made everyone go on them again and again, although I didn't quite feel like venturing upstairs in them so stayed downstairs. I also loved changing the direction of the seats when we got to the end of the line and often did my own seat and the one in front of me as well! When I got back to our flat I had great fun telling Mummy and Daddy all about what I had done and showing them what I had bought, including some biscuits for them and a book that had pictures of the trams on the back. I pointed out all the trams I had been on and also the picture of the green man and the really big model ant! When it was time for everyone to go the show I was a bit surprised to be taken down to the opera house with them, but I didn't complain! (While waiting for them to go in I sang Happy Birthday to Mummy and Daddy's friend Rachel who's birthday it was!) I soon found out why I had been taken out though, as when Mummy, Daddy, Grandad, Nanna, Grumps and Great-Nanna had gone in, Grandma took me over to the bus station to see a bus. I had no real idea why she had done this, so imagine my surprise when I noticed Auntie Roxanne step off it! :D
The show was Peak Opera's HMS pinafore which was directed by my honourary Aunty, Ian Henderson. (He also played Dick Deadeye as a last minute substitute.) Mummy and Daddy said that the show was really good, although there were some forgotten/paraphrased lines and a few problems between the orcestra and singers, but they recovered well so it was never much of a problem. All in all they loved the show and the cabaret aftrewards was also extreamly good and very funny at times! :)

Day 6 (Today) was another day of rehearsals for Mummy and Daddy, so I went with Grandma, Grandad and Auntie Roxanne to the Bakewell Show for the day. I had loads of fun listening to music, going on the bouncy castle, running around and loads of other things. I even won an inflatable hammer on a game where you have to catch coloured balls in a net!
I went to stay at Nanna, Grumps and Great-Nanna's flat again tonight to give Auntie Roxanne a
break and so Mummy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandad could go and see South Anglia's Patience.
They thought the production was very good and polished, especially the drilling of the dragoons.
Mummy and Daddy thought that Patience's accent was quite annoying but that she acted the part well as did all the principals. ALthough patience is not their favourite show they thoroughly
enjoyed it and loved the energy onstage.

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